title:Expedition participants on the summit ridge after passing the Via dell'Ideale route on the southern wall of the Marmolada massif - March 23, 1973. From the left: Zbigniew Wach, Janusz Skorek and Marian Piekutowski.Like thisSharehttps://jerzykukuczka.com/en/home-page
description:Winter competition camp in the Dolomites in 1973. The expedition was led by Janusz Kurczab and included: Jerzy Kukuczka, Marian Piekutowski, Zbigniew Wach and Janusz Skorek. The goal of the mountaineers was to follow the route of Philipp and Flamm on Monte Civetta, but eventually they decided to attack the southern face of Marmolada along the route called "Via dell'Ideale". On March 23, all team members reached the summit ridge of Punta Ombretta in the Marmolada massif, thus completing the first winter ascent of the "Via dell'Ideale" route and the fourth overall. This ascent received great publicity in the local mountaineering community and the Italian press.
subject:Dolomites, 1973, Zbigniew Wach, Janusz Skorek, Marian Piekutowski, Marmolada
format:Diapositive 35 mm ORWOCHROM UT 18 III
complete the description:
Creator: Jerzy Kukuczka
Source: Jerzy Kukuczka's archive
Publisher: The Great Man Foundation
Rights: All rights reserved
Contact: archiwum@jerzykukuczka.com