title:Meeting with Chinese authorities in Beijing. From left: Ambassador of the Polish People's Republic to China Zbigniew Dembowski, President of the Chinese Mountaineering Association Shi Zhanchun, Jerzy Kukuczka and Wang Feng Tong.Like thisSharehttps://jerzykukuczka.com/en/home-page
description:Jerzy Kukuczka and Janusz Majer's visit to China in 1987. The Himalayan climbers went to China to obtain permission to organize an expedition to Shisha Pangma.
subject:China, 1987, Zbigniew Dembowski, Shi Zhachun, Jerzy Kukuczka, Wang Feng Tong
format:Negative 35 mm Fuji 100 609
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Source: Jerzy Kukuczka's archive
Publisher: The Great Man Foundation
Rights: All rights reserved
Contact: archiwum@jerzykukuczka.com