The Jerzy Kukuczka archive is under the care of the Great Man Foundation. Since 2013, we have been able to catalog, describe, digitize and share over 20,000 photographs, films, audio recordings, text documents and museum exhibits, which are a unique record of Jerzy Kukuczka’s struggles with both the highest mountains in the world and the gray everyday life of Poland in the 70’s and 80’s. There is still a lot of work ahead of us. Nevertheless, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our collection. We guarantee that this is a chance to discover the new, previously unknown face of Jerzy Kukuczka.

We also encourage you to support our activities!

  • If you notice errors in the descriptions, or have additional information – you can complete them online on the cards of individual objects.
  • If you are the owner – archives, souvenirs, high-altitude equipment related to the Kukuczka Himalayan expeditions and you would like our Foundation to take care of them in a professional way, to make them secure and available, please contact us.
  • You can also support our initiatives by making a donation here.