title:Jerzy Kukuczka while climbing the south face of Torre Trieste.Like thisSharehttps://jerzykukuczka.com/en/home-page
description:Summer competition camp in the Dolomites in 1972. The expedition was led by Tadeusz Łaukajtys and included: Jerzy Kukuczka, Zbigniew Wach and Jerzy Kalla. The following climbing goals were achieved during the expedition: a new route on the south face of Torre Trieste (Wach, Kalla, Kukuczka, Łaukajtys), climbing Tissi's route on the south face of Torre Venezia (Kalla, Wach), a new route on the south-eastern Bancon pillar (Kukuczka, Łaukajtys , Wach) and climbing through Aste road on Punta Civetta (Wach, Kukuczka). "Direttissima dei polacchi" on Torre Trieste was met with great acclaim by the Italian press. The climbing group operated in the Civetta massif from July 19 to August 10, 1972.
subject:Dolomites, 1972, Jerzy Kukuczka, Torre Trieste, climbing
format:Diapositive 35 mm ORWOCOLOR UT 16 VI
complete the description:
Creator: Jerzy Kukuczka
Source: Jerzy Kukuczka's archive
Publisher: The Great Man Foundation
Rights: All rights reserved
Contact: archiwum@jerzykukuczka.com