title:Banquet after the medal ceremony. On the left side of the table from the left: Artur Hajzer, Ewa Panejko-Pankiewicz and Paweł Mularz. At the end on the right side of the table: Jerzy Kukuczka.Like thisSharehttps://jerzykukuczka.com/en/home-page
description:Medal ceremony for outstanding sporting achievements in 1987.
subject:medals, ceremony, 1987, Artur Hajzer, Ewa Panejko-Pankiewicz, Paweł Mularz, Jerzy Kukuczka
format:Negative 35 mm Fuji 100 609
complete the description:
Source: Jerzy Kukuczka's archive
Publisher: The Great Man Foundation
Rights: All rights reserved
Contact: archiwum@jerzykukuczka.com